Teddy’s Top 12 Dream Travel Destinations Revealed!
Maybe you have read this blog before and thought this (or maybe this is just me) but what are Teddy’s Top 12 Dream Travel Destinations? and Where would you like to see the cheeky little rascal go out of this list of 12 countries outside of Europe?
- Addis Adiba Ethiopia
- Nairobi Kenya
- The Amazon Rainforest Brazil
- Easter Island
- The Philippines
- Acapulco Mexico
- Sharm El Sheikh Egypt
- Tokyo Japan
- Seoul South Korea
- Nepal / Tibet
- New York City USA
- Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
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So, for me personally I would love to see this. Teddy sitting on an ancient monument like next to the Easter island heads or in a boat going down the Amazon river. Somewhere that most people would only dream about – Like In Tibet by Mount Everest or on Safari in Kenya…
Like people say this to me already “that bear has been to more places than I have this year“. I find this so funny but typically I only travel round Europe. Mostly budget travel is my thing but I’d like to travel to many different countries in my life time and whilst I like it in Europe there is also Africa, Asia, North, South and Central America and many other places in between.
When I first started this blog I had an idea. I was thinking what if I did a poll and asked people where they would most like to see Teddy travel to. I never did do this maybe I will soon but anyway there are certain places I have thought about going to.
And I have created this list ever since in my head.
Teddy’s Top 12 Dream Travel Destinations

These are all places I thought about going to. A few of these I’ve almost booked flights for. I think at the time it was probably for this best I didn’t… Like whilst drunk on one occasion I tried to book flights to Sao Paulo Brazil – no way would I have been able to afford this –
Thankfully, I was too drunk to use my credit card. But it was something I was actually looking into – how I’d get to the Amazon and how much things would cost out there.
Similarly, I tried to book a flight to Lagos Nigeria. It would have been the same and knowing me I would have actually got myself there. That would have been worse OMG although I would visit there one day if the opportunity came up.
To my own detriment I’m pretty determined like this and knowing me if I booked flights I would go. Even if it meant I didn’t have any money when I arrived.
Although, it has got me to a lot of places so not all bad.
But, what I mean is as well, is I have had some disasters – Budapest and Mallorca were 2 times things really went to ****.
(Never travel with Gremlins – that is my advice lol)
But seriously though In my experience its best to get used to travelling closer to home first (I think) before you decide to fly halfway around the world.
I’ve definitely kind of got this down for the most part now I think. My next task will be learning how to get about with no Internet.
This I think will be what gets me to a lot of places outside Europe.
I been able to use my roaming data in most (if not all) European countries I’ve been to so far but I learned in Cape Verde after getting lost in Espargos that you can not rely on having Internet ESPECIALLY OUTSIDE EUROPE.
Nothing too bad happened on this occasion – I had to jump out a taxi at the traffic lights because the driver started driving to the tourist area on the other side of the Island. I don’t think he meant to but he did not speak English only Portuguese and Creole. I threw him 5 euros and after becoming the laughing stock of 2 policemen where I jumped out I finally found my airbnb.
It was OK but things could have been worse I think. Maybe in a different situation I could have been in trouble – so yes learning to download google maps to use without the Internet will be my next mission but even more so I want to go to so many places with Teddy in tow.
So Here Is What I’m Thinking
So far It’s been a pretty good start to the year. I am 7 weeks sober (at the time of writing this). I have been working on setting up several online Income streams (Blogging, eBay and Amazon) and I have already booked my next trip back to Lanzarote and Fuerteventura.
What I am thinking is if I go the whole year sober. I mean I will drink again (most likely) but if I give it the year I can grow my online business, and ultimately make more trips away happen.
Probably Malta, Eastern Europe, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Bosnia, Croatia – I have a few places in mind but as for this list. I expect for most of these the flights it will be to be too much for me.
I mean maybe something will come up but I thought if there are people who like reading this blog then maybe they can help me with this.
So here’s the idea I’m thinking if people like reading this blog and if they want to help me – I have created a GoFundMe to try and raise £1250.
Maybe I could put money to this myself if I see other people doing so lol
I don’t know it seems a bit unbelievable now but I would like to think if it gets to £100 and if people I don’t know who like this blog as well as people I do start chipping in it could actually happen. Like I won’t rely on it completely. At the same time I will keep an eye out on Jack’s Flight Club for any offers that are within my budget in the meantime.
Cape Verde was only £160 from Brussels. If I can find a deal going to one of these places from any country in Europe I will get there.
I see Manila for quite cheap on Jack’s Flight Club at the end of the year. £400 return and I was seriously considering it but in the end I wimped out and I decided to spend £750 on Lego Instead. To be be fair this was in investment hopefully it will help me get to one of these places but really I don’t think the time was right to go. I will go there but another time.
About Teddy’s List of Countries
In case you are wondering why I have chosen these places I shall explain.
1.) Addis Adiba Ethiopia
Actually, I’d like to travel all over Africa Senegal, Gambia, Mozambique, Cameroon, Uganda etc. but I always fancied going to Ethiopia. People think of Ethiopia as a poor country from watching all the UNICEF and Save the Children adverts but what people don’t see is that the capital city of Ethiopia Addis Adiba has some real nice hotels and it actually looks amazing.
Plus, for me, Ethiopia a country with a lot of history and many cool tourist attractions such as the (supposed) Ark of the Covenant, the medieval cave churches at Lalibela, and the 1,700-year-old stone obelisks in the northern town of Axum.

So it’s definitely on the list for me. Ethiopia looks INCREDIBLE but on the topic of Africa.
2.) Nairobi Kenya
I think this is a bit more of a possibility for me coming here than Ethiopia. I’d so definitely want to go to both countries, although I 100% could see myself going to Kenya. I’ve heard a lot of good things and I doubt I would need anywhere near £1250.
I think I would probably be fine with £750 including flights. I just had a look whilst writing this and looking on Skyscanner I think I could probably afford to do this – this year without GoFundMe (maybe).
It’s It’s wishful thinking I know but I hear it’s pretty cheap once you get out there. They speak good English I see and there are some decent affordable tours. So I would honestly love to go. It is a bit scary thinking about going out to see wild lions – like what if something went wrong during the tour but look at this – I would totally book this if I got out there.
I could write a whole post about Kenya. This really does look like the trip of a life time but moving on. The next one for me is even more exciting (and scary).
3.) Manuas Brazil and the Amazon Rainforest
To be truthful I would only go to Sao Paulo as from what I’ve seen it is cheaper to fly to here from London then to Rio D’Janero. But really I have no preference. My mission would be the same with whichever city in Brazil I flew to and that would be to get to the Amazon river / rainforest in Manuas.
I would love to go on a proper tour of the Amazon. Not just 2-3 days something like this.
Although I think I’d need more than £1250 really as I would have to stay in Brazil for a few weeks. Not sure how much I’d really need for 2 weeks I guess I wouldn’t need any money in the Amazon Rainforest lol but for when I get back to Sao Paulo I’d need money. Although, £5 to £15 a night in the hostel is pretty affordable I guess would just be food, drink and public transport.
Maybe £1500 all in I think this would be doable for. I’d have to make sure nothing went wrong in the Jungle but knowing me probably I’d be fine in the Jungle just not in the City lol
I am pretty terrible like this but still Brazil is not the only country I’d go to in South America
For me they all look great but besides Brazil Chile for one reason is very significant.
4.) Easter Island (Rapa Nui)
This might be one of the hardest ones to do. It is something I have looked into though. From Santiago Chile it is pretty easy getting to Easter Island. The flights are under £200 BUT unless you time it right you could have a long wait to fly back as there are only 3 flights back a month.
So realistically you would have to time it right. First find your flight from Easter Island to Santiago then find your flight there and then look at flights to actually get to Chile. Maybe you could do this for £750 (from London) but also you’d need to look at Easter Island tours.
Some are quite expensive and this is before food and accommodation etc. It’s enough to put you off but it depends how much you want to see. A 5 day Island tour is over £1K
BUT Imagine seeing Teddy next to the Easter Island heads this would be right up with Mount Everest SERIOSLY. and about that…
5.) Kathmandu Nepal / Lhasa Tibet
OK, so this would not be cheap. Even though I have seen flights to Kathmandu for under £250 flights back are another story and then there is the tricky part of ACTUALLY getting to Tibet. You can only get a visa to Tibet if you book a tour – the Chinese Govt. DO NOT want people going there otherwise. Like they must be hiding something I reckon but I’d love to visit here.
Of course Tibet is home of Mount Everest and the Yeti. Imagine Teddy next to the Yeti.

One day I will make this happen lol but you would first need to get to China or Nepal then book a tour. There are the cheaper tours that start from about £400 if you want to go up there but you have to get to Lhasa (if you book a tour you will get a visa).
I am looking at tours on Viator (1) and (2) but also check TibetTravel.org
Email: Inquiry@tibetravel.org for more information.
Now… somewhere else Teddy would also like to visit…
6.) Manila The Philippines
When I first got my current Passport the reason I did was to go to the Philippines. I had actually sent my friend £500 for the flights and everything. It was the reason I got a new passport (which I’ve used about 50 times since lol) but I was a bit gutted really it never ended up happening.
Also as I said at the start of this post I was considering booking flights to the Philippines again quite recently but I wimped out. I made it a bit too public and my old girl talked me out of it but as you can see from the Photo Manilla is a beautiful place.
I have heard you need to be careful here though. It can be a rough place but you should find there lot’s of other Islands and cities to go where it is more friendly and as I have heard once you do once you do it is very cheap.
I think this is the same with Kenya on this list probably NOT IF I GO but when.
Same as I hope with this next place…
7.) Acapulco Mexico
So, I have looked at going to Mexico before. I was looking at flights to Cancun. Really I think it was just wishful thinking seeing how doable it was but I do want to go to Mexico for definite.
The ancient Aztec ruins of Teotihuacan is a big reason and my first time coming to Mexico would have to involve this if possible. Mexico City is actually the best place to get to if you want to get here but Acapulco and Cancun are beautiful cities.
I know Acapulco is still recovering from the hurricane last year but I’ve heard it is getting back to better standing in light of this.
So, I will hopefully do this and make sure I get some photos of Teddy here.
And come think about – I’d love to see Mexico’s Pyramids but also there is…
8.) Sharm El Sheikh Egypt
This is by the looks of things the cheapest place I could go to out of all the 12 countries. My friend did a tour of Egypt last year. I was toying with the idea of going to meet him out there. He was out there for a while and I kind of wish I did get myself out there but STILL I never realised how cheap these flights actually were.
I know people who have booked all inclusive and it has cost them £1000+ but if you look on Skyscanner from London to Sharm El Sheikh Egypt you might be surprised.
As you can see It’s pretty cheap. You could get there and back for about £200. Although, if you wanted to go to the Valley of the Kings where the Pyramids are you need to get to Hurghada but hostels are cheap in Egypt too.
If you wanted to stay for a month you’d probably be OK with a few hundred. My friend I think was living off about £10 a day – if you do the maths that’s £300 – no fundraiser needed for this one. It’s another (I think) a NOT IF I GO but when. For this price it is an absolute must if I am going to take Teddy to see the Great Pyramid of Giza lol
9, 10, 11.) Tokyo, Seoul and New York

Really I’m less keen to visit these cities but if the opportunity arises on Jack’s Flight Club for cheap enough return flights each of these cities I would go to each of them.
New York I looked at I think about a year ago. You can get there and back for about £300 via Oslo Norway from London but I hear once you get there it is super expensive. So I think really I shouldn’t pigeonhole myself with a trip to NYC over other US states.
Although, I’d 100% go for short stay and Seoul I am not sure what the appeal is but I’ve met a few South Koreans on my travels and everyone I have met spoke good English. They have all said it is a great country to visit and I would really like to cross the red suspension bridge.

And as for Tokyo I think I’d just like to say I’ve been there. I bet the Japanese would love to meet Teddy and actually some of the tours in Tokyo for Mt. Fuji look pretty AMAZING.

I’ve seen good deals to get to Tokyo from the UK on Jack’s Flight Club a few times now. I am just waiting for the right opportunity. Although, I hear getting a Visa can be difficult unless you can prove you have a certain amount of money to spend whilst you’re there.
Although, somewhere I maybe fancy a bit more…
12.) Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

So between Mongolia and Ethiopia I think this really fits the criteria for something different. Like how many people do you know who will say they want to go on holiday to Ethiopia or Mongolia – probably none. I’m not sure what other people are like but I like to be different.
I think it was last year a deal came up on Jack’s Flight Club and I was joking about going on Facebook. It was I think about £480 rtn which I didn’t actually have but at the time I did some research about visiting here and it does look like quite an Interesting place.
Apparently, Ulaanbaatar, the capital city of Mongolia has NOT been a tourist destination for very long due to its previous relationship with the Soviet Union but since this time it has been steadily growing in popularity since the turn of the 21st Century.
So I don’t think Mongolia would be the first place I would book on this list. I’d probably get people to do a vote maybe but STILL I think it is somewhere I should definitely not forget about going to. It’s kind of the wild card here next to all the other places but I think IT is a destination that would really surprise people.
In Conclusion
Long post today. I know I got a bit carried away with this one but thanks for reading about Teddy’s Top 12 Dream Travel Destinations. Hope you have enjoyed reading and where would you like to see Teddy go?
For me;
Easter Island, the Amazon Rainforest, Tibet and Mongolia I think would be funny.
I hope one day this blog becomes so successful that I actually get to visit all of these places. I’d love to write a second post after visiting all these places with another 12 countries I could plan to visit after – Imagine that.
Like it would be unreal wanting to go to another 12 countries after this but for sure I never mentioned the Congo, deepest, darkest Peru or Timbuktu – the list just keeps on getting bigger but yes seriously…
If you can spare £5 (or more) here is my link for my GoFundMe page.
Hopefully, I can make Teddy’s dreams come true but till next time thanks for reading.
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So many wonderful places in the world to visit. Each offers so many opportunities for fun and adventure as well as learning about different cultures. When I travel I enjoy spending time with the locals and avoiding the tourist areas. You have provided many interesting choices to consider for my next travel destination. Thanks so much. Joseph
Thanks Joseph. I hope to visit all these places one day and I guess I will. Maybe will try to tick one of these off this year. Probably Kenya I think would be a good one. Would love to go on a Safari – it’s quite scary the thought of seeing wild lions etc. but what an experience this would be. But then again each of these places would be Incredible to visit. What life is all about.